Synthon features an encroaching darkness mechanic that limits your vision and a spell casting system where you punch in the right alchemical elements with your number keys. I hope you enjoy it!

Made in approximately two weeks for Pirate Jam 15
Theme: Shadows and Alchemy
Game design document

Basic Controls
Move: WASD / arrow keys
Look: vision bubble follows mouse cursor, but only a certain distance from player
Aim spell: follows mouse cursor
Attack: left click / space bar

Alchemy Controls
Select reagents: number keys / num pad / click bottom UI bar
Remove reagents: backspace / delete
Submit reagents: enter / right click

I wrote the character controllers and spell casting / inventory system from scratch for this. The vision bubble shader, letter message, and music / sfx systems I wrote previously for another project and reused here. 

Character art by SAS and a few small things by me.
Environment tiles, pixel art, and all the particlesfrom free assets on the Unity asset store. Music from [1,2,3,4,5], and SFX from, lightly edited by me.

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